Simple Analog Clock
Ever wanted the most simple but elegant analog clock:
#include <math.h>
#define CLL .95
#define CLL2 .90
#define CLS .90
#define CLM .80
#define CLH .60
void line(x1,y1,x2,y2,width);
void render_indicators(x,y,r)
for(i = 0;i < 60;i++)
line(x + cos(ang * 2 * pi) * r, y - sin(ang * 2 * pi) * r, x + cos(ang * 2 * pi) * (i%5==0?CLL2:CLL) * r, y - sin(ang * 2 * pi) * (i%5==0?CLL2:CLL) * r, 1);
void render_arms(x,y,r,hour,minute,second,millisecond=0)
/* We define our angle, a custom 0.0 to 1.0 ranged value: */
float ang = 0.0;
/* First we take milliseconds (for smoothness) */
ang += millisecond/1000.0;
/* Then we add the seconds */
ang = (ang + second)/60.0;
line(x,y,x + cos(ang * 2 * pi) * CLS * r,y - sin(ang * 2 * pi) * CLS * r,1);
line(x,y,x - cos(ang * 2 * pi) * CLS*.1 * r,y + sin(ang * 2 * pi) * CLS*.1 * r,1);
/* Then we add the minutes */
ang = (ang + minute) / 60.0;
line(x,y,x + cos(ang * 2 * pi) * CLM * r,y - sin(ang * 2 * pi) * CLM * r,2);
/* And finally we add the hours */
ang = (ang + hour) / 12.0;
line(x,y,x + cos(ang * 2 * pi) * CLH * r,y - sin(ang * 2 * pi) * CLH * r,4);
To get various effects or efficiency, you can do the following:
To efficiently update:
void update_clock() { set_color(background_color); render_arms(clock_x,clock_y,100,hour,minute,second,millisecond); get_time(&hour,&minute,&second,&millisecond); set_color(clock_color); render_arms(clock_x,clock_y,100,hour,minute,second,millisecond); }
You should declare the
somewhere outside the render function where it can store the time of the previous render: - Shadow effect:
set_color(shadow_color); render_arms(clock_x,clock_y,100,hour,minute,second,millisecond); set_color(clock_color); render_arms(clock_x-2,clock_y-2,100,hour,minute,second,millisecond);
Using OpenGL1:
void line(x1,y1,x2,y2,width) { glLineWidth(width); glBegin(LINES); glVertex2f(x1,y1); glVertex2f(x2,y2); glEnd(); }
- Make the second arm red
- Make the clock transparent
This code uses the deprecated glBegin/glVertex functions. They should be changed to vertex buffers ↩